Three classes are provided – Basic, Middle and Advanced.
These three courses are all about the most important topic of Taking Refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha – the ‘heart of the entire Buddhism’.
The challenge nowadays for Buddhists and non-Buddhists is that the topic of Taking Refuge is summarized in 4 lines at the beginning of most prayers. Most of us think that after reciting these 4 lines, we can already leave “Taking Refuge” behind and proceed to the main practice or prayer. But that is wrong.
Taking Refuge in the Triple Gems is the start and end of the whole Buddhism and of all its practices.
Basic Course: 12 Units
Our foundation in Buddhism must be built strongly and properly. For many Buddhists, we miss this. Taking Refuge and Renunciation are the foundation of Buddhism.
Objective: We are considered successful in the Basic Course if we think, “For me, foundation is more important than the advanced practices. Foundation is very important for the advanced practices”.
Download the Basic Course manual (11 pages, PDF)
Middle Course: 12 Units
We are building Confident Faith. This is a logical form of faith knowing the importance of Taking Refuge and the qualities of the Triple Gems.
Objective: We are considered successful if we think, “Taking Refuge and the Triple Gems are too vast”.
Download the Middle Course manual (2 pages)
Advanced Course: 12 Units
Leaving “Refuge” here and going somewhere far away to “study Buddhism” or “meditation” is not Buddhism. Whenever we hear, think or meditate on the Three Jewels anywhere, this is Buddhism. Beyond this, there is no Buddhism.
Objective: We can consider ourselves successful if we can say, “All the deep philosophies and practices of Buddhism are found in Taking Refuge and in the Three Jewels. I want to strengthen my theoretical Buddhist knowledge through practice.”
Download the Advanced Course manual (3 pages)
Registration Requirements
– Sign up at the office or send an email to
– If you need to cancel your registration, kindly inform the Khenpo or the administrator of the temple.
-To attend the Middle Course, the student must first pass the Basic Course.
Proper Motivation
– Generate the Bodhi-mind before and after the class.
– If we are not familiar with Bodhi-mind, generate the wish to be a more helpful person by attending each class.
Proper Conduct
There are two ways to improve our conduct: through the four metaphors and the six perfections.
Four Metaphors
Noble one, you should think of yourself as someone who is sick, Of the Dharma as the remedy, Of your spiritual friend as a skillful doctor, And of diligent practice as the way to recovery. – Buddha Shakyamuni
Six Perfections
Make excellent offerings such as flowers and cushions, Put the place in order and
control your behavior, Do not harm any living being, Have genuine faith in your
teacher, Listen to his instructions without distraction And question him in order to
dispel your doubts