November 6 – Manila | Tomorrow, Nov 7, we celebrate the fourth and last of the special holy days in Tibetan Buddhism – the Descent of Buddha Shakyamuni from the Heavens of the Thirty-Three.
At the age of 41, Buddha miraculously went to the Heavens of the 33 to expound the Dharma to the residing gods there, and to his mother Mayadevi, who was reborn there as a god.
The Arhat Maudgalyayana, one of his chief disciples, was residing there, after being killed by robbers on earth. The Arhat begged Buddha Shakyamuni to return to the human realm to continue teaching humans and other beings residing here. After a long debate, the Buddha agreed to return on the full-moon day.
The chief gods Indra and Brahma had three ladders miraculously built from there back to earth – made of gold, beryl and silver. The ladder ended at the city of Sankashya, in India. The Buddha took this ladder when he descended back to earth.
Tibetan Buddhists regard Lhabab Duchen as “merit-multiplying day.” This means that any compassionate or righteous action performed on this day is multiplied by 10 million times. Please avoid meat and non-virtue on this day.

Buddha’s Descent from the Heavens of the Thirty Three