Lamp Offering
The story:
The six false monks, led by Purnakasyapa, were insulted by the Buddha’s presence. So, they approached King Bimbisara to host a contest.
They said, “We will challenge the Buddha’s powers. If he displays one miracle, we will display two. If he displays two, we will display four. We will prove that he is just an ordinary monk.”
When the King told this to the Buddha, Buddha Shakyamuni replied, “Let them choose the place and time. It is they who want to challenge me.”
When the day of the contest arrived, the Buddha left Magadha, the kingdom of King Bimbisara. He, followed by ten thousands of his disciples, went to Licchavi, Varaci, Digyasri, Benares, Kapila (the land of the Sakya), and finally Sravasti.
All the Kings and citizens of these lands followed the Buddha and his assembly to Sravasti. The audience grew to hundred thousands of people.
In Sravasti, King Prasenajit asked the Buddha about the challenge once again. The Buddha finally accepted the challenge on the new moon day (Lunar New Year).
Day 1
Offeror to the Buddha: King Prasenajit of Sravasti
Miracle Displayed by Buddha Shakyamuni: Toothpick turned into a tree five-hundred yojanas (1 yojana is 12-15kms) in height, bejewelled, and with the most delicious fruits. When the leaves of this tree swayed, the Dharma can be heard
Day 2
Offeror: King Udayana of Kausambhi
Two very high mountains of jewels and precious stones with trees, flowers and lovely music; the top of one mountain has foods of a hundred flavors where humans ate, the top of the other mountain has grass where animals ate
Day 3
King Socinadi of Varaci offered to the Buddha
When the Buddha washed his mouth after eating, the water droplets turned into an ocean-lake two hundred yojanas in diameter, with jewels and five-colored lotuses as large as cart wheels
Day 4
King Indravarma offered to the Buddha
Eight rivers flowed out from the ocean-lake and back into it. When the rivers flowed, the voices of various Dharmas were heard: the voices taught the Five Powers, Bodhicitta, Eightfold Noble Path, Three Doors to Liberations, Six Paramitas, Four Immeasurables
Day 5
Offeror: King Brahmadatta
Golden light shone from the Buddha’s face and illuminated the entire Universe. The three poisons and the five obstacles were removed from all beings and their minds were pacified to achieve the third dhyana (meditative concentration)
Day 6
The Licchavis offered to the Buddha
All were made to know everyone’s thoughts – both virtues and non-virtues. All were joyful because they saw the virtues in the mind of the Buddha
Day 7
The Sakyas offered to the Buddha
The Buddha transformed all attendees into Universal Monarchs (Skt. Chakravartins), possessing the seven precious emblems, one thousand sons etc, and explained the differentiation of the Dharmas
Day 8
Indra, god of gods, Brahma, creator god offered to the Buddha
When the Buddha pressed the lion throne where he sat, the roar of an elephant and six rakshas (Skt. man-eating legendary creature) were heard.
Then, Bodhisattva Vajrapani appeared with his flaming dorje. He waved the flaming dorje at the heads of the six false teachers. They jumped into the water and died. Their ninety-thousand followers became monks of the Buddha.

Buddha Vajrapani (peaceful form)
Day 9
Offer: King Brahma
A beam of clear white light shone to Brahma’s realm. It illuminated the entire universe and all heard the Dharma.
Day 10
Offeror: Four Great Maharajas
The Buddha’s body expanded up to the realm of the Four Great Kings, and filled the entire Samsara. All who saw this heard the Word of the Dharma.
Day 11
Offeror: Anathapindika, the Buddha’s wealthiest disciple
Buddha sat on the lion throne, invisible. A light streamed forth from him and the Dharma was taught in sweet tones.
Day 12
Offeror: Prince Canda offered to the Buddha
The Buddha was in meditation on love. A beam of light covered the entire universe, and the mind of compassion arose in all who were present.
Day 13
Offeror: King Sunjanadi
Two rays of light appeared from the Buddha’s navel. At the tip of each ray, two Buddhas sat on two lotuses. Then, each Buddha shone two rays of light from their navels and two more Buddhas appeared. All these filled the entire space and taught the Dharma.
Day 14
Offeror: King Uddayana
The flowers that the King offered were transformed into 250 bejewelled-vehicles that filled the entire Universe.
Day 15
Offeror: King Bimbisara
100 containers were filled with all kinds of delicious foods that satisfied all the attendees.
Then, when the Buddha touched the ground, the sufferings of the 18 Hells appeared to all beings present. The sufferings were so painful that those who witnessed them were filled with terror. They vowed to do only virtue.
– End –