Feb 6 – Manila, Philippines | After more than a year in the works, our Temple is pleased to announce the publishing of our first book. The book is entitled Merit-Making: A Tibetan Buddhist Temple Guidebook.

cover artwork by J-Marc Mendoza
The book was written by the temple’s head monk, Khenpo Dhondup Tashi, and Alex Co. It was written to educate and inspire the old and new members and visitors about a Tibetan Buddhist temple.
The book is divided into 7 chapters, starting from the outside to the inside of a Tibetan Buddhist temple. It is in English, with around 225 pages in length.
This guidebook was written specifically with the modern reader in mind, while making the meanings as traditional as possible. It contains several newly translated passages from the Sutras and text manuals rarely available in the internet. It also contains some timely advice on what the temple instruments and symbols mean for the modern person.
To know more about the book, check our Book Resource page in this website. The ebook formats (epub and mobi) are already available for reading. Kindly email philpalyul@yahoo.com to request a copy.
Kindly include your name and email address in your request email.
Printed copies and the pdf format will be available soon.
A shorter, 45-page version of this guidebook is in the works and will be released soon. The booklet’s title is Golden Steps: A Very Short Temple Guide.
Thank you for everyone’s patience and support.