Sept 28 – Manila | We are delighted to announce His Eminence Khentrul Gyang Khang Rinpoche’s upcoming visit to Manila this October 2019. He will preside over three events.
Kindly register in advance at, (63908) 217-3207, (02) 8715-2090 or drop by at the temple office.
All events will be held at Phil Palyul Buddhist Temple, 700 Pina Ave. Sta Mesa, Manila.
a) Dharma Teaching
Title: Material Wealth, Spiritual Wealth
Date: October 24, 2019 (Thursday), 6pm; Free Entry
Description: Nowadays, there is sufficiently increasing material development, but fast decreasing inner satisfaction and calm. How does the Buddha’s teaching improve the mental state in day-to-day living?
Register for the Teaching Here —
b) White Tara and Vajrasattva Empowerments

Buddha Vajrasattva
White Tara
Date: October 26, 2019 (Saturday), 530pm; Suggested Registration Fee: P500/Individual name, P3,000/Company Name
Descriptions: White Tara is a completely enlightened Buddha who appears as a female Bodhisattva for the benefit of all beings. Legend says that Chenrezig shed two tears for suffering sentient beings, which became Green and White Taras.
She protects all sentient beings from the eight fears, external and internal fears that block one’s progress towards Enlightenment.
Vajrasattva is the father of all Buddha families, pervading all Buddhas’ mandalas. Thus, no Buddha is outside of him. He made a vow to purify all the negative Karma and subtlest obscurations of all those who say his mantra and practice him.
His mantra also accomplishes all activities. Minling Vajrasattva is a Terma practice revealed by the great Terton Terdak Lingpa in 1676. The practice contains all traditions of Karma, Terma and other traditions, an unsurpassed combination of all traditions into one.
Register for the Saturday Empowerments Here —
c) Medicine Buddha and Black Dzambhala Pujas

Black Dzambhala

Medicine Buddha
Date: October 27, 2019 (Sunday); 930am;
Suggested Registration Fee: P500/Individual name, P3,000/Company Name
Description: Khentrul Gyang Khang Rinpoche will preside over Medicine Buddha prayer ceremony for the purification of inner and outer sicknesses, and Black Dzambhala prayer for the removal of poverty and for inner and outer wealth auspiciousness.
With good health and material prosperity, one is able to best practice the Buddhadharma.
Register for the Sunday Prayers Here —

Download the Event Descriptions here. Pass it to your family and friends.