The Third Pema Norbu Rinpoche (1932 – 2009)
His Holiness Pema Norbu (Penor) Rinpoche was born in 1932, the year of the Water Monkey. In 1936 at the age of four, he was invited to Palyul monastery to be recognized as the Third Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche. He took his Refuge Vows during this time. He is considered to be one of the foremost masters of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and an incarnation of Vimalamitra, the 8th century Dzogchen master.
A Leader with Foresight
In the year 1960, due to the occupation of Tibet, Penor Rinpoche fled his homeland. With a handful of monks and lay people, they relocated in the Karnataka district of South India. As the Indian Government donated some land to the refugees, they lived in a tent during the early years. From 1963 onwards, Penor Rinpoche personally carried the stones, bricks, sand and water to build the largest Tibetan Nyingma community in the world.
At present, Namdroling Monastery houses some 4,000 monks and nuns. It includes Ngagyur Nyingma Institute, the largest academic institution in exile, the Tsogyal Shedrup Dargyeling Nunnery, Samten Osel Ling, a Three-year Retreat Center, many beautiful temples, a guest house for visitors, a charity hospital and others.

Reincarnation: Penor Yangsi
A Visionary Buddhist Master
Throughout the Buddhist community, Penor Rinpoche is respected for his vast knowledge and accomplishment. He is also looked up to for the integrity and strength with which he upheld the Buddhist teachings.
In 1992, he succeeded His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche as the supreme head of Nyingma tradition; he relinquished this position in 2001 to be able to focus full time on the spiritual needs of his numerous disciples. He entered Mahaparinirvana in March 2009. With the passing of a great master, this was a great loss for all of Buddhism.
According to His Holiness Chatral Rinpoche’s prophecy letter, Penor Rinpoche’s Yangsi (reincarnated being), was born near Leten Tramo Drag, the sacred place where the Nying-thik Yab-shi (The Four Cycles of Heart Essence Teachings) was revealed.
Based on this prophecy letter, combined with pure visions of Tulku Thubten Palzang Rinpoche, the Yangsi was authentically recognized. On July 31, 2014, the auspicious day of the Buddha’s First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma, the 4th Day of the Sixth Tibetan month–2141 Royal Year, the 4th Penor Rinpoche, the Yangsi, was enthroned.
For more details on the life of the Third Penor Rinpoche and the monasteries and centers under his spiritual guidance, please see
Three Heart Sons of Penor Rinpoche
The Fifth Karma Kuchen Rinpoche

Fifth Karma Kuchen
His Holiness the Fifth Karma Kuchen Rinpoche was recognized by His Holiness Dujom Rinpoche and Penor Rinpoche as the unmistaken incarnation of previous Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, Karma Thegchog Nyingpo. He was invited to Namdroling Monastery where Penor Rinpoche looked after him and provided him with basic religious education.
Karma Kuchen Rinpoche excelled in all the monastic training and mastered all the traditional knowledge of the Palyul Lineage. He also received numerous Nyingma Teachings from great masters such as His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and Penor Rinpoche.
The Twelfth Palyul Throne Holder
His Holiness Penor Rinpoche appointed him as the Head of the Palyul Mother Monastery in Tibet in 1994. On 14 August 2000, he was formally enthroned as the lineage holder of the Palyul Tradition and is now the 12th throne holder of The Palyul Lineage. Penor Rinpoche on many occasions appreciated his efforts in holding the pure lineage of Palyul tradition and dissemination of Buddha Dharma in the Land of Snows.
The significant achievement of Karma Kuchen Rinpoche since his arrival in Tibet was that he had built many temples, stupas, prayer wheels, images of deities and other objects of veneration and faith. Under the direction of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, he has built a very grand and magnificent temple within the monastery premises.
Of the many remarkable qualities that he possesses, the most striking quality is his strict and pure observance of all the vows of a monk. He is thus the embodiment of pure conduct in these degenerate times.
Khentrul Gyangkhang Rinpoche
The Fourth Gyangkhang Rinpoche was born in India. H.H. Penor Rinpoche, H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche recognized him as the authentic incarnation of the Third Gyangkhang Rinpoche.

Khentrul Gyangkhang Rinpoche
At the age of four, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche invited him to stay in Namdroling Monastery and thereafter looked after him as his own child. When he was 15, he received the esoteric teachings of Tantra thus laying the foundation for the higher practices.
He entered Ngagyur Nyingma Institute (Shedra), a branch of Namdroling Monastery and an advanced college of Tibetan Buddhism. There, he studied general Buddhist Philosophy as well as the distinct Nyingma Teachings. He also studied Tibetan grammar, poetry, and Tibet’s political and religious history. He was brilliant in his studies.
Exceptional Learning
In his fifth year in university, Gyangkhang Rinpoche displayed his scriptural knowledge by giving a lengthy discourse on Sangwa Nyingpo (Magical Net Tantra, a Mahayoga Teaching). It was presented in front of His Holiness The Fourteen Dalai Lama and an assembly of thirty thousand people. He also debated on this subject successfully. His Holiness the Dalai Lama praised his wisdom and offered him a khata, a traditional scarf. He then encouraged Gyangkhang Rinpoche to disseminate the teachings of Lord Buddha.
Gyangkhang Rinpoche received the empowerments, oral transmissions and pith instructions on the whole Kama and Terma teachings (the distinct Nyingma Teachings of the Transmitted Precepts and the Rediscovered Treasure Teachings) from His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dodrubchen Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche, Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, and Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche.
He especially received the distinct teachings of Palyul Tradition including the Namchö Teachings from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. He also received and practiced the Ngondro (Preliminary Practices), Tsalung (Winds and Channels), and Dzogchen (Great Perfection) teachings.
Spreading the Teachings
In 1994, under the Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya, Gyangkhang Rinpoche received the vows of full monastic ordination from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche.
On several occasions, he has represented His Holiness by giving advice, instructions and teachings in many dharma centers around the world. At present, he is teaching in the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute (Shedra) and also assisting Penor Rinpoche in shouldering the monastic responsibilities.
Mugsang Kuchen Rinpoche

Mugsang Kuchen
Mugsang Kuchen Rinpoche was born to Penpa Dorjee (father) and Sonam Yangzom (mother) in Nepal, on the tenth day of the fourth Tibetan Month. At two, His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche and his Holiness Drubwang Penor Rinpoche recognized him as the reincarnation of Chogtrul Kunzang Sherab. Since then, Penor Rinpoche looked after him with great compassion and care. At four, he received the Rinchen Terzöd Empowerment cycle from His Holiness Drodrub Rinpoche. He then learned to read and write in Tibetan and began training in the distinct rituals of the Palyul tradition.
Authentic Holder of the Buddha’s Teachings
Subsequently, he received the Kama Empowerments, instructions on Ngöndro, Tsa Lung and Dzogchen directly from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. Thus he has upheld and continued the supreme activities of his predecessor.
He has studied common sciences such as grammar, poetr , logic as well as the uncommon science of Buddhist philosophy at Ngyagyur Nyingma University at Namdroling in South India.
Mugsang Monastery, Mugsang Thubten Sangngag Chöling, is located in a sacred place in Tibet, southwest of Kathok Monastery. “Mug” means sluggish and “Sang” means clear. Thus “Mugsang” means to clear oneself from sluggishness. The monastery is built at the location that Terton Migyur Dorje spent his final days, passing into the empty sphere of truth while sitting in meditative equipoise. Mugsang Kuchen is also the head of Mugsang Monastery. This is where he derived his name from.
Other Great Teachers of the Palyul Lineage

(From left) Khenchen Namdrol, Khenchen Pema Sherab, Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso
Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche, Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche and Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche are members of the Namdroling Administration committee. The three Khenchens work hand-in-hand with the Three Heart Sons to continue His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s work of preserving and propagating the Buddha’s teachings.
These teachers travel yearly throughout the world granting teachings and empowerments as well as maintaining the curriculum at Namdroling’s primary school, high school and Buddhist College (Shedra).