Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism has many lineages and traditions. One of these lineages is the Palyul lineage.

  1. Palyul Lineage Masters
  2. Resident Teachers
  3. FAQ about Tibetan Buddhism

Resident Teachers


Khenpo Tashi

In 1994, Khenpo Tashi joined the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute. He became certified in Buddhist philosophy and practice, a nine-year course, and received the degree of Lopon (Master of Buddhist philosophy and practice). He then served the monastery and other various monasteries for several years in accordance to monastic rules and discipline.

In view of his scholarship and morality, he received the title of Khenpo (PhD degree in Buddhist Studies). Thereafter, he engaged in propagating the Dharma doctrine, with profound experience in guiding Buddhist practitioners.

He has also received major empowerment and Nyingma teachings from renowned masters such as His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche etc.

He is capable of teaching all the Buddhadharma and this will be beneficial to the students who wish to learn and practice the Dharma.

Past Resident Teachers

Lama Kalzang

Lama Gyurme

Lama Samten Phuntsok (2005 - 2010)

Khenpo Tashi (2011 - 2014)

Khenpo Sonam Norbu (2014 - 2016)

FAQs about Tibetan Buddhism

The Buddha taught “four metaphors” on what Buddhism is. To see 1) ourselves as a very sick patient, 2) the Buddha as the doctor, 3) the Buddhadharma, his teachings, as the medicine, 4) practicing his teachings as taking the medicine to end our sickness. In Buddhism, our sickness is our “pride, self-centeredness and self-importance”. “Do not engage in any harmful actions; Perform only those that are good; Subdue your own mind — This is the teaching of the Buddha”
Tibetan Buddhism is a vast collection of teachings of Buddhism, preserved and passed on from one generation to the next. These are the Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana teachings. This comes from the historical Buddha Shakyamuni. This is called 'lineage'.
Nowadays, Buddhism has become akin to peace, non-violence, passivity, smile, meditation, yoga and vegetarianism. These are not the whole of Buddhism. The backbone of Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism is lineage. Lineage is the unbroken connection between teacher and student, from Buddha Shakyamuni up to our present teacher. Lineage is essential. If we practice without the guidance of an experienced and trained teacher, even if the practice looks 'calm' and 'chill', this is not Buddhism.

More FAQs

The starting point of Buddhism is Samsara. From this, there are one unofficial and three official goals in Buddhism: 1) Perfecting the Ten Virtues (unofficial) 2) Sravakayana Arhat, which means “a master of the vehicle of the listeners” (the first type of an Enlightened being) 3) Pratyekabuddha, which means “a lone Buddha” (the second type of Enlightened being) 4) Samyaksambuddha, which means “a complete and perfectly Enlightened one” (the final type of Enlightened being)
'Breathing Meditation' is a popularized form of meditation. But this is only one aspect of Buddhist practice. The main purposes of Buddhism are to purify our negative Karma, accumulate merit and shrink our ignorance or self-importance. If 'breathing meditation' practice makes us feel more self-important, this is no longer Buddhism.
We all have Buddhist stereotypes. Most of our knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism, and Buddhism, is shallow. For instance, the Buddha gave hundreds of Sutra teachings. Are we aware of this? Our ideas are due to our lack of knowledge of the Buddha’s vast Sutra teachings. The public rituals, instruments and activities in a Tibetan Buddhist temple are mainly from the Sutras.