** Updated as of Aug 1, 2019 Announcement: classes are not available until further announced. If you are interested, you may message philpalyul@yahoo.com and be added to our class list.**
March 9 – Manila | Our temple is starting a new Basic Course of Buddhist Classes after the completion of the first round.
The next Basic Course will start on June 1, 2019 (Sat) and finish on August 31 (Sat). It is composed of 12 teaching classes and 2 meditation classes, 14 Saturday classes in total. It will be held every Saturday, 2-3pm at the temple (700 Pina Avenue, Sta Mesa Manila).
Upon completion of the Basic Course, the student can move up to the Middle and Advanced Course. A Middle Course is also starting on June 1 for students who finished the past round of Basic Course.
If you are interested in these Buddhist classes, this is the Basic course syllabus (12 classes). You may also check the syllabus of the Middle Course (12 classes) and Advanced Course (12 classes). Kindly sign up by emailing philpalyul@yahoo.com or register at the temple’s office.
Khenpo Dhondup Tashi, the center’s head monk, will teach the classes in English.